Sermons from 2015 (Page 3)

Missionary to Uganda: Lisette Lewis

Lisett Lewis came and gave a presentation of the work that God will have her doing in Uganda as she works with World Gospel Missions. UCC will be getting behind the mission work Lisette is doing and helping to support her now, and when she leaves this fall for Uganda to work with children and disciple people for Jesus.

Suffering: Why Do We Suffer?

In this sermon pastor Cory talks about suffering and why we has Christians suffer. Through our suffering, we identify with Christ and His suffering. Suffering is what brings us the closest to God, why would he take away the very thing that leads us closer to Him?

The Character of God: Is God Good?

In this sermon Pastor Cory discusses God’s character and the question of whether or not God is good. So many in the world charge God with being cruel and unjust. As this sermons lays out, God is nothing but good and has demonstrated that goodness to us throughout our lives.