“He Touched He” Passion Play

“He Touched Me” is a Passion Play that presents the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was born in 1970 after God sent Joe and Wilma Andrews to visit the Holy Land in Israel. He gave them a mission – to bring Israel to America and tell His story in His own setting. The play was to be presented only once, but the Holy Spirit sent more than the church could hold.  50 years later, His story is still touching lives and saving souls.

Two thousand years ago Jesus walked the streets of Jerusalem proclaiming the love of His Father and the plan of salvation.  During the performance, you will be a part of the old city as it comes to life. You will witness every scene. We pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to you as you follow Jesus’ last days on earth. You will watch in awe as He moves through the people, touching first this one, then that one.  You will see them partake in the last supper, and follow Him to the Garden of Gethsemane as one of His own followers betrays Him. Sit at the temple steps; hear the charges brought against Him. Imagine if you had been there on that fateful day. What would you have done? Find yourself an onlooker on Golgotha as the Son of God is crucified; and, wait with us after His resurrection for His triumphant return.