In this message Pastor Cory uses Scripture from the Old and New Testament to show how great God is. He is unchanging and is the same yesterday, today, and forever and he is the same powerful almighty God today as he was in the biblical times.
In this message Pastor Cory teaches on the immutability of God. This is that God is unchanging and constant throughout all time. He is constant in his promises, protection, and punishment.
In this message Pastor Cory speaks about how the message of the cross is foolishness to those that are perishing, but to those that are the children of God, it is the wisdom of God.
Pastor Cory spoke briefly after the Baptismal Service where 12 were baptized about mature Christians and new believers and their respective responsibilities.
Pastor Cory asked the question What is the Greatest Threat to the Church? In this message he present two things that make up the greatest threat to the church.
Pastor Cory brings this message about Satan in order to help people understand the enemy in which is seeking to kill, steal, and destroy the body of Christ.